Complete Quest


Introduction to New Students
Req: lvl 1
From: autoquest

  • Look for Grocery Merchant loc 10,2

Reward: Bread [5]
Note: Use the "New Student Info" chat option when talking with the Merchant.

Student's Registration
Req: lvl 1
From: Student Director at Admin Office at 1st Floor of the Main Center

  • Acquire Registration Form from respective Campus Instructor
  • Confirm location of Health Room loc 4,22 and talk to Nurse
  • Confirm location of Basic Science Room loc 22,3 and activate terminal
  • Deliver Registration Form to Student Director loc 8,0
  • Get bread from Grocery Merchant
  • Talk to respective Campus Instructor

Reward: Exp 200, Bread [10]

Student's Registration (Shaman)
Req: lvl 1
From: Student Director at Admin Office at 1st Floor of the Main Center

  • Acquire Registration Form from Shaman Instructor loc 18,7
  • Confirm location of Information Room loc 24,19 and activate terminal
  • Confirm location of Health Room loc 4,22 and talk to Nurse
  • Deliver Registration Form to Student Director loc 8,0
  • Get bread from Grocery Merchant loc 10,3
  • Deliver completed Registration Form to Shaman Instructor loc 18,7
  • Submit exit aproval form to Student Director loc 8,0

Reward: Exp 200, Bread [10], Skill: Breath of Life

Student's Registration (Archer)
Req: lvl 1
From: Student Director at Admin Office at 1st Floor of the Main Center

  • Acquire Registration Form from Archery Instructor loc 10,15
  • Deliver Form to Student Director loc 8,0
  • Activate Information Room Terminal loc 25,20
  • Confirm location of Health Room loc 4,22 and talk to Nurse
  • Get bread from Grocery Merchant 10,3
  • Deliver completed Registration Form to Archery Instructor loc 10,15
  • Submit exit aproval form to Student Director loc 8,0

Reward: Exp 200, Bread [10], Wooden Arrows [300], Skill: Shockwave

Student Director's Test
Req: 1, completed "Student's Registration"
From: Student Director

  • Collect 2 Cigaratte Butts from Little Hooligan

Reward: Exp 100, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1

Nurse's Request
Req: 1-10, completed "Student's Registration"
From: Nurse

  • Get Medical Record from Grocery Merchant
  • Talk to Nurse

Reward: Bread [2], Small MP [2], Small SP [2]

The Force Field Authentication (MP)
Req: Lvl 2, completed "Student's Registration"
From: Student Director [MP Campus 1F]

  • Test Study Classroom Center 2 Terminal
    • Collect 3 spiritual spheres from Little Hooligan
    • Activate Study Classroom Center 2 Terminal
  • Test Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal
    • Collect 8 spiritual spheres from Little Bandit
    • Activate Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal
  • Test Art Center Terminal
    • Collect 13 spiritual spheres from Bandit
    • Activate Art Center Terminal
  • Test Terminal at Library
    • Collect 18 spiritual spheres from Fencing Student
    • Activate Library Terminal
  • Test the Student Center 1 Terminal
    • Collect 24 spiritual spheres from Slasher
    • Activate Student Center 1 Terminal
  • Talk to Student Director

Reward: Exp 30000, Attribute 1, Life Points 10, Skill Point 1, Senior Uniform Set [Coat & Pants/Skirt]

The Force Field Authentication (SG)
Req: Lvl 2, completed "Student's Registration"
From: Student Director [SG Campus 1F]

  • Test Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal
    • Collect 2 spiritual spheres from Little Hooligan
    • Activate Study Classroom Center 1 Terminal
  • Test Left Dragon Park 1 Terminal
    • Collect 4 spiritual spheres from Little Bandit
    • Activate Left Dragon Park 1 Terminal
  • Test Study Classroom Center 3 Terminal
    • Collect 8 spiritual spheres from Bandit
    • Activate Study Classroom Center 3 Terminal
  • Test Dormitory Terminal
    • Collect 9 spiritual spheres from Gangster
    • Activate Dormitory Terminal
  • Test Society Room Terminal
    • Collect 12 spiritual spheres from Slugger
    • Activate Society Room Terminal
  • Test Walking Zone Terminal
    • Collect 16 spiritual spheres from Slasher
    • Activate Walking Zone Terminal
  • Test Science Center Terminal
    • Collect 20 spiritual spheres from Brawler
    • Activate Science Center Terminal
  • Talk to Student Director

Reward: Exp 30000, Attribute 1, Life Points 10, Skill Point 1, Senior Uniform Set [Coat & Pants/Skirt]

Attain Level 5
Req: lvl 3
From: autoquest

  • Talk to Grocery Merchant after attaining character level 5

Reward: Exp 400, Cotton Gloves [+2] wind:2[+2] lvl:5

(*) Obtain the Special Broom
Req: lvl 5 (followed "Cleaning the Dormitory chat option")
From: Student Director

  • Find Locker Custodian [Locker Technician]
  • Get broom Locker Technician (typo in quest, select "Return Broom")

Reward: Special Broom

(*) Cleaning the Dormitory
Req: Lvl 5, Holding or have "Special Broom" in inventory
(completed Obtain the Special Broom)
From: Student Director at Admin Office at 1st Floor of the Main Center

  • Clean 20 Trashes from Dormitory
  • Submit Trashes to SD

Reward: Attribute 5, Life Point 1, Bread [10]
Notes: To return the Broom to the locker technician, select the chat option "Borrow Broom" (typo). After the initial quest, attributes will only be added if the value is negative (e.g. -1 will become +4; 0 will remain 0)

Attain Level 8
Req: lvl 5, completed "Attain Level 5"
From: autoquest

  • Talk to Grocery Merchant

Reward: Exp 700, Cotton Gloves {B}[+2] lvl:8

(*) Improvised Medicines
Req: lvl 5
From: Nurse

  • Collect 20 Cigarette Butts from Hooligan
  • Pass Cigarette Butts to Nurse

Reward: Gold 1200

Purifying the Study Classroom Center 2
Purifying the Study Classroom Center 1
Req: lvl 7
From: Study Classroom Center 2 Terminal [MP];
autoquest [SG]

  • Eliminate 10 Hooligans
  • Confirm purification at Study Classroom Center 2 [MP] | 1 [SG] Terminal

Reward: Exp 800, 1 Spiritual Sphere, Cotton Gloves {B}

Attain Level 11
Req: lvl 8, completed "Attain Level 8"
From: autoquest

  • Talk to Grocery Merchant

Reward: Exp 1100, Sports Gloves [C][+2]

Purifying the Study Classroom Center 2 (2nd Purification)
Purifying the Study Classroom Center 2
Req: lvl 9, completed initial quest "Purifying the Study Classroom Center 2" [MP];
autoquest [SG]
From: Study Classroom Center 2 Terminal

  • Eliminate 14 Bandits
  • Confirm purification at Study Classroom Center 2 Terminal

Reward: Exp 1400, 1 Spiritual Sphere, Sports Gloves [C]

Attain Level 14
Req: lvl 11, completed "Attain Level 11"
From: autoquest

  • Talk to Grocery Merchant

Reward: Exp 1100, Sports Gloves [C][+4]

(*) Stolen Bandages
Req: lvl 11, completed "Improvised Medicines"
From: Nurse

  • Retrieve 20 bandages from Street Junkies
  • Pass Bandages to Nurse

Reward: Gold 2800

Purifying the History Center
Req: lvl 11
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 30 Fencing Students
  • Confirm purification at History Center Terminal

Reward: Exp 2000, 2 Spiritual Spheres, Sports Gloves {B}, Spike Stick

Purifying the Art Center | Purifying the Science Classroom
Req: lvl 12
From: Art Center [MP] | Science Classroom [PH] Terminal

  • Eliminate 22 Street Junkies
  • Confirm purification at Art Center [MP] | Science Center [PH] Terminal

Reward: Exp 2400, 2 Spiritual Spheres, Training Gloves [C], Spike Stick

Purifying the Library
Req: lvl 13
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 30 Street Junkies
  • Confirm purification at Library Terminal

Reward: Exp 2400, 2 Spiritual Spheres, Training Gloves

Attain Level 17
Req: lvl 14, completed "Attain Level 14"
From: autoquest

  • Talk to Grocery Merchant

Reward: Exp 2900, Sports Gloves {B}[+4]

Purifying the Art Center 2
Req: lvl 13, completed initial "Purifying the Art Center"
From: Art Center Terminal

  • Eliminate 24 Sluggers
  • Confirm purification at Art Center Terminal

Reward: Exp 2600, Special Stick

Purifying the Library
Req: lvl 15
From: Library Terminal

  • Eliminate 26 Brute Punks
  • Confirm purification at Library Terminal

Reward: Exp 2800, Training Gloves {B}, XinYue Dagger

Purifying the Society Room
Req: lvl 15
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 30 Elite Fencers
  • Confirm purification at Society Room Terminal

Reward: Exp 2400, 3 Spiritual Spheres, Training Gloves {B}, Special Stick

Attain Level 20
Req: lvl 17, completed "Attain Level 17"
From: autoquest

  • Talk to Grocery Merchant

Reward: Exp 4000, Training Gloves

Purifying the Library 2
Req: lvl 18, completed "Purifying the Library"
From: Library Terminal

  • Eliminate 27 Slashers
  • Confirm purification at Library Terminal

Reward: Exp 3200, 3 Spiritual Spheres

Sports Field Purification
Req: lvl 21, completed "Purifying the Library 2"
From: Library Terminal

  • Eliminate 29 Jr. Bruisers
  • Confirm purification at Library Terminal

Reward: Exp 3600, Iron Gloves [C]

Purifying the Student Center 1 | Science Classroom
Req: lvl 24
From: Student Center 1 Terminal | autoquest

  • Eliminate 30 Maulers | Punks
  • Confirm purification at Student Center 1 | Science Classroom Terminal

Reward: Exp 4000, Copper Ring, Majestic Dagger

Purifying the Student Center 1 (2nd purification) | Auxillary Supplies Room
Req: lvl 25, completed "Purifying the Student Center 1"
From: Student Center 1 Terminal | Auxillary Supplies Room

  • Eliminate 34 Brawlers {Bruisers)
  • Confirm purification at Student Center 1 | Auxillary Supplies Room Terminal

Reward: Exp 5000, 4 Spiritual Spheres

Skill Testing System
Req: lvl 26, auto start after completing "Heading Outside the Campus"
From: Entrance Terminal

  • Eliminate 10 Onslaughts within 40 minutes

Reward: Exp 16000, Alm Stick [1D], Able to enter the Campus Holes and leave the Campus
Notes: Requirement: Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test]

Guard's Request
Req: lvl 27, able to leave school Campus, completed "Skill Testing System"
From: Security Guard [School Hole]

  • Find Medical School Memorandum from Blood Drinker
  • Pass Short Notes to Guard

Reward: Gold 1000, 4 Spiritual Spheres

Guard's Request 2
Req: lvl 27, completed quest from Security Guard "Guard's Request"
From: Security Guard

  • Collect 10 pieces each of small HP, med SP and med MP from Blood Drinker
  • Talk to Security Guard
  • Deliver items to Campus Nurse

Reward: Gold 9000, Small HP Recovery Potion [10]

Guard's Request 3
Req: lvl 27, triggered after completing "Guard's Request 2"
From: Campus Nurse

  • Get 10 Brandishment Daggers from Swordie Ardee
  • Deliver Daggers to Security Guard

Reward: Exp 6000, Gold 5000
Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Do Not Die during the test], Non redoable if failed

Purifying the Main Campus Entrance
Req: lvl 27, completed "Purifying the Student Center 1" (2nd purification)
From: Student Center 1 Terminal

  • Eliminate 36 Renegades
  • Confirm purification at Student Center 1 Terminal

Reward: Exp 6500, Iron Gloves {B}, Hockey Stick

Purifying the Sports Field
Req: lvl 27, completed "Purifying the Science Classroom"
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 36 Crooks
  • Confirm purification at Science Classroom Terminal

Reward: Exp 6500, Iron Gloves {B}, Hockey Stick

Collecting the Cards
Req: lvl 28
From: autoquest

  • Collect 5 cards (Emer.Locker Lnk Crd) from Drunkard

Reward: Emergency Locker Link Card [6][7D] (not for sale)

Bus Driver's Request
Req: lvl 33
From: Bus Driver

  • Find respective Technical Teacher and request for Spare Parts
  • Pass Spare Parts to Bus Driver

Reward: Exp 12000, Gold 1000.

Bus Driver's 2nd Request
Req: lvl 33, completed quest from Bus Driver "Bus Driver's Request"
From: Bus Driver

  • Go to Construction Supervisor

Reward: Gold 1000

Construction Supervisor's Request
Req: lvl 33, completed quest from Bus Driver “Bus Driver's 2nd Request”

From: Construction Supervisor

  • Find Technical Teacher
  • Search for Generator parts from Marionette [MP] | Fatty Bom-Bom [SG] | Cement Fatty [PH]
  • Deliver Generator Parts to Construction Supervisor

Reward: Exp 12000, Aruhagen Ring [Lvl:30]

Cleaner's Request
Req:lvl 33
From: Cleaner [MP]

  • Collect 20 Empty Bottles from Chicken & Stray Dogs
  • Deliver Empty Bottles to Cleaner [MP]

Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000
Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [MP] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set at any time after the completion of this quest

Cleaner's Request
Req: lvl 33
From: Cleaner [SG]

  • Collect 20 Empty Bottles from Miner Fatty
  • Deliver Empty Bottles to Cleaner [SG]

Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000
Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [SG] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set at any time after the completion of this quest

Cleaner's Request
Req: lvl 33
From: Cleaner [PH]

  • Collect 20 Empty Bottles from Sanitizer
  • Deliver Empty Bottles to Cleaner [PH]

Reward: Exp 4000, Gold 5000
Notes: Can trade 20 Empty Bottles w/ Cleaner [PH] for a Synthesizer Upgrade Set at any time after the completion of this quest

Physics Teacher's Call
Req: lvl 39, completed quest from CS "Construction Supervisor's Request"
From: Construction Supervisor

  • Find respective Physics Teacher

Reward: Life Point 1, Skill Point 1, Med HP, Big MP, Big SP
Notes: It is possible to miss this quest and it's rewards by completing the quest
"Physics Teacher's Test" before completing this one.

Physics Teacher's Test
Req: lvl 39 [auto start after quest "Physics Teacher's Call"]
From: Physics Teacher

  • Eliminate 15 Barba [MP|PH] / 15 Cordy [SG]
  • Confirm test and talk to Physics teacher within 40 minutes

Reward: Exp 15000, Life Point 10, 5 Spiritual Spheres
Notes: Requirement: Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test]
This quest is available even without completing "Physics Teacher's Call".

Unverified Currency Notes [MP]
Req: lvl 39, completed "Physics Teacher's Test"
From: Physics Teacher [MP]

  • Talk to Technical Teacher
  • Deliver Currency Notes to your Student Director [MP]
  • Talk to Student Director [PH] to request for Suggestion Form
  • Talk to Student Director [SG] to accept backup disk
  • Talk to Student Director [PH] to transfer backup disk
  • Deliver prospectus to your Student Director [MP]

Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 2000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Dark Ring [lvl:30]

Unverified Currency Notes [SG]
Req: lvl 39, completed "Physics Teacher's Test"
From: Physics Teacher [SG]

  • Talk to Technical Teacher
  • Deliver Currency Notes to your Student Director [SG]
  • Talk to Student Director [MP] to request for Suggestion Form
  • Talk to Student Director [PH] to accept backup disk
  • Talk to Student Director [MP] to transfer backup disk
  • Deliver prospectus to your Student Director [SG]

Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 2000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Dark Ring [lvl:30]

Unverified Currency Notes [PH]
Req: lvl 39, completed "Physics Teacher's Test"
From: Physics Teacher [PH]

  • Talk to Technical Teacher
  • Deliver Currency Notes to your Student Director [PH]
  • Talk to Student Director [SG] to request for Suggestion Form
  • Talk to Student Director [MP] to accept backup disk
  • Talk to Student Director [SG] to transfer backup disk
  • Deliver prospectus to your Student Director [PH]

Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 2000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Dark Ring [lvl:30]
Notes: Use the Bus Stop @ the Market and access the Campuses through the buggies
For MP students, this is automatically generated after "Physics Teacher's Test".

Issue the Order Books
Req: lvl 39, auto start after completing "Unverified Currency Notes"
From: Student Director

  • Retrieve Order Books from Security Guard
  • Deliver Order Books to Technical Teacher
  • Deliver Order Books to Physics Teacher

Reward: Exp 12000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1
Notes: Use the Bus Stops.

Recycling the Map
Req: lvl 39, auto start after completing "Issue the Order Books" from SD
From: Physics Teacher

  • Search for 7 pieces of Map from Clowns
  • Talk to respective Physics Teacher to verify Map pieces (not SG Ring)
  • Talk to Student Director [SG] to combine pieces of the Map
  • Talk to Secret Agent at SG Hole (135,115) to confirm location of Leonair Campus

Reward: Exp 20000, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1, Stat Point 1, 8 Spiritual Spheres, Azrael Rosary [lvl:30]

Collecting the Cards 2
Req: lvl 40
From: autoquest

  • Collect 5 cards (St.point Pass) from Blood Hunter

Reward: Start Point Pass [6][7D] (not for sale)

(*) Recycling the Unverified Currency Notes
Req: lvl 41, completed "Unverified Currency Notes" from SD
From: Student Director

  • Collect 20 Notes from Hell Scissors or Construction Fatty

Reward: Gold 10000, Life Point 1

Find the Missing Report Cards
Req: lvl 45 , lvl 55
From: autoquest

  • Go to different coordinates stated

Reward: Gold 10000, Exp 8000 | Exp 10000

Nurse's Request
Req: lvl 46
From: Nurse [Hole]

  • Get medication from Nurse [SG Ring]
  • Deliver medication back to Nurse [Hole]

Reward: Exp 12000, Small HP Recovery Potion [5], Refine Pill [5]

Nurse's Request 2
Req: lvl 46
From: Nurse [SG Ring]

  • Collect medication from Physics Teacher [MP]
  • Deliver medication to Physics Teacher [PH]
  • Deliver proposal to Nurse [SG Ring]

Reward: Exp 15000, 6 Spiritual Spheres

Technical Teacher's Test
Req: lvl 46 [MP|PH] / lvl 43 [SG]
From: Technical Teacher

  • [MP] Eliminate 15 Chickens within 40 minutes
  • [SG] Eliminate 20 Uncle Potato within 20 minutes
  • [PH] Eliminate 20 Blood Hungers within 40 minutes
  • Confirm results to Technical Teacher

Reward: Exp 15000, Life Point 10, Skill Point 1
Notes: Requirement: Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test]

Eliminate the Hell Scissors [MP] | Car Engineers [PH] | Freezing Halogen [SG]
Req: lvl 53
From: Physics Teacher

  • Eliminate 30 Hell Scissors | 30 Car Engineers | 25 Freezing Halogen

Reward: Exp 20000, Attribute 5, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1

Collecting the Cards 3
Req: lvl 60
From: autoquest

  • Collect 5 cards (Bk. from Shadow Crow

Reward: Back point Pass [6][7D] (not for sale)

Eliminate the Bomber Clown
Req: lvl 62
From: Physics Teacher [SG]

  • Eliminate 30 Bomber Clowns

Reward: Exp 22000, Attribute 5, Life Point 5, Skill Point 1

Special Agent's Test
Req: lvl 63
From: Special Agent at SG Hole/Leonair Entrance

  • Eliminate 20 Sacred Gate Defenders and report back to Agent within 40 min

Reward: Can enter Leonine Campus after completion, Exp 25000, Attributes 10, Dark Ring [Lvl:30]
Notes: Requirement: Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test]

Special Agent's Request
Req: lvl 63, commpleted quest from Agent "Special Agent's Test"
From: Special Agent

  • Go to Leonine Campus loc 53,60
  • Get 20 bandages from Mummy
  • Talk to Agent

Reward: Exp 20000, 1 Skill Point

Eliminate the Jackson
Req: lvl 66
From: Physics Teacher [SG]

  • Eliminate 1 Jackson

Reward: 7 Spiritual Spheres, Skill Point 1

Through the Tunnel
Req: lvl 67
From: Police [SG]

  • Eliminate Corrupted Hound in Trading Hole Tunnel (SG HolePassage)
    within 40 minutes.

Reward: Can Enter Trading Hole {Commercial Area Entrance}
Notes: Requirement: Immortal [Do Not Die during the test].
Doing the quest is the only way to access this Tunnel. You cannot go back inside the tunnel once the quest is successfully completed.

Collect the Food
Req: lvl 67
From: Hotdog Hawker [TH]

  • Search for 10 Breads and 10 Meats from Skating Boy and Skating Master
  • Deliver ingredients to Hotdog Hawker

Reward: Exp 10000, Gold 8000, Hotdog [10]

Collecting the Cards 4
Req: lvl 70
From: autoquest

  • Collect 5 Cards {Trans.Crd} from Tomb Raider

Reward: Buddy Transmission Card [6][7D] (not tradeable)

Investigate the Leonair Campus
Req: lvl 71, commpleted quest from Agent "Special Agent's Test"
From: Special Agent

  • Find 5 leaves of Smallpox
  • Deliver leaves to Special Agent

Reward: Exp 40000, 9 Spiritual Spheres, Vanish Ring [Lvl:80]

The Lessons of the Sword | Brawler | Archer | Shaman Agent
Req: lvl 72
From: Respective Class Instructor [Agent] in Trading Hole

  • Collect GPS from Skating Boy or Skating Master
  • Follow GPS Location to find the capsule, location varies by class:
  • Swordsman Brawler Archer Shaman
  • GPS loc.1 – (121,89) (71,105) (118,105) (118,105) [Police Station]
  • GPS loc.2 – (119,113) (60,117) (113,117) (113,117) [Convenience Shop]
  • GPS loc.3 – (113,117) (96,143) (96,143) (96,143) [Tunnel #4]
  • GPS loc.4 –(105,165) (116,170) (95,165) (113,180)
  • [Find Buried Items in Nine Hall Club]
  • Deliver the Space and Time capsule to your Trainer/Agent

Reward: Exp 25000

Report to the Police Station
Req: lvl 74
From: Class {Sword | Shaman | Brawler | Archery) Agent/Instructor [TH]

  • Talk to the Police in Trading Hole Police Station

Reward: Synthesized Recovery Potion [3]
Notes: The quest "Reward for Prison Escapees" can only be completed at lvl 140 and is obtainable from the Police [TH] from lvl 67

Recycling the Letter
Req: lvl 74, completed "Report to the Police Station"
From: Police [TH]

  • Collect the Letter from Skating Master
  • Deliver the Letter to Police [TH]
  • Gather 6 pieces of letter from Skating Master
  • Deliver pieces to Police [TH]

Reward: Gold 20000

File Report On Found Objects
Req: lvl 75
From: Prison Corpse near Tunnel 3 [TH]

  • Surrender found ore to TH Police for safe keeping

Reward: Exp 80000
Notes: The quest "Sacred Financial Group Private Jail" is obtained from the Police [TH] after this. It can only be completed @ lvl 130.

Through Tunnel No.3
Req: lvl 75, obtained quest "Sacred Financial Group Private Jail" from Police [TH]
From: Prison Corpse near Tunnel 3 [TH]

  • Go to the end of No. 3 Tunnel (7,66) in TH

Reward: Exp 12000
Notes: You may complete the quest without proceeding to the Prison proper.
Walk to avoid being chased by the Hell Hounds and unequip your weapon midway to the end of the tunnel to avoid being shot by Red/Black Ninjas.

Investigate the Leonair Campus Main Center
Req: lvl 75, completed "Investigate the Leonair Campus"
From: Secret Agent

  • Talk to the Leonair Student Director

Reward: Exp 4000
Notes: Find Banshee at entrance of Main Campus Center to obtain the quest for entry to Leo 1F. The Student Director [Leo] is in Leo 1F loc 8,0

Spirit's Request
Req: lvl 75
From: Banshee [Leonine Campus]

  • Collect 2 Encyclopedias from Poison Ivy
  • Deliver encyclopedias to Spirit {Banshee}
  • Collect 8 Feathers from Shadow Crow
  • Deliver feathers to Spirit {Banshee}

Reward: Gold 4000, Can enter Leo Main Center 1F and 2F after completion

Recover the Videotape
Req: lvl 75, completed "Investigate the Leonair Campus Main Center"
From: Student Director [Leo]

  • Find the Leonair Technical Teacher in Leo 2F and request for key
  • Teacher's request: Collect food [2] from Boney
  • Exchange food for the key from Tech Teacher and give key to Leo Student Director
  • Get key fixed by Zopar at Leo 2F
  • Pass key to Leo Student Director
  • Get Videotape from Leo Student Director

Reward: Exp 10000, Surveillance Recorder [Leonair Campus] [a.k.a the Videotape}
Notes: Janitors and Boneys|Vampire[F] are aggressive and deal a lot of damage.

Request by Mr.No-Name
Req: lvl 75
From: Mr.No-Name [Leo 1F]

  • Collect 10 meats from Janitor
  • Deliver meats to Mr.No-Name

Reward: Med HP Recovery Potion [5], Big MP Recovery Potion [5], Big SP Recovery Potion [5]

The Zopar's request
Req: lvl 75
From: Zopar [Leo 2F]

  • Find towel at the Locker Custodian area [Leo 1F] (around 18,3)
  • Give towel to Zopar
  • Find the glove at Welfare Society [Leo 1F] (around 10,3)
  • Deliver glove to Zopar and get Red Bead
  • Pass Red Bead to Student Director [Leo 1F]

Reward: Exp 30000, 9 Spiritual Spheres

Transmitting the Videotape
Req: lvl 75, completed quest from SD [Leo] "Recover the Videotape"
From: Student Director [Leo]

  • Bring Videotape to Special Agent at Leonair Campus Parking Bay

Reward: Exp 15000, Red Bead, 1 Burr (not indicated in Rewards list)

Videotape Recovery
Req: lvl 75, completed quest "Transmitting the Videotape", submitted Surveillance

Recorder [Leonair Campus] (a.k.a the Videotape) to Special Agent
From: Special Agent

  • Talk to Image Expert at Trading Hole Videotape Rental Shop

Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 10000
Notes: You may take the Bus Stop @ SG T-junction and debark @ TH>Police Station

Image Expert's Request
Req: lvl 75, completed quest from Agent "Videotape Recovery"
From: Image Expert

  • Accept request to help and gather info from Police [TH]
  • Meet with Special Agent

Reward: Enhanced Coat & Pants [C], all resistances [+9] (lvl 67,6Cool

Notes: You may take the Bus Stop @ TH>Police Station and debark @ SG T-junction

Obtain the Leonair College ID Card

Req: lvl 75, completed quest from Image Expert "Image Expert's Request"
From: Special Agent

  • Talk to the Student Director [SG] and ask about spore allergy and special ID card.

Reward: Gold 100000, Skill Point 1
Notes: You may use the bus at SG T-junction and select Campus Square>Entrance.
This will take you the Market. Take the SG Buggy to get to the Campus [SG].

The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus
Req: lvl 75, completed quest from Agent "Obtain the Leonair College ID Card"
From: Student Director [SG]

  • Find location of B2 Elevator at Leo 3F (from 1F->2F, cross the map to 3F)
  • The elevator terminal in 3F is located at the top-middle of the map
  • Go back down to Leo Student Director and ask about the secret code
  • Find code by getting memo from IronMan28 in 3F (located at lower part of the map)
  • Enter code and activate the elevator. Proceed to Basement 2

Reward: Exp 20000, Can Enter Leo 3F and Leo B2.
Notes: Use the bus in the market and select SG Hole>Sacred Gate T-junction.
The entrance to B3 (@ 018 022) is at the far end corner of B2. You can enter B3 @ lvl 100.

Cleaning the Spores
Req: lvl 75, completed quest from SD [SG] "The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus"
From: auto trigger after completion of quest "The Basement 2 of Leonair Campus"
Enter B2

  • Clean Basement 2:
  • Gather spores from Trapper Plant.
  • Eliminate 1 Trapper Plant
  • Talk to the Nurse [SG Ring]

Reward: Exp 40000, 10 Spiritual Spheres
Notes: You may exit to B3 at level 100 (@ 18,22 - north east corner of B2).

Producing the Medications for the Allergy
Req: lvl 75, completed "Cleaning the Spores"
From: Nurse [SG Ring]

  • Collect Saliva from Cordy, Freezing Halogen & Werewolf and Shadow Crow Feather
  • Pass ingredients to Nurse [SG Ring]
  • Deliver medication to Image Expert

Reward: Exp 20000, Gold 40000

The Videotape Recovery
Req: lvl 75, completed "Producing the Medications for the Allergy"
From: Image Expert

  • Request video player from Police [TH]
  • Deliver video player to Image Expert
  • Send tape to your respective Student Director
  • Bring tape back to Special Agent for investigation

Reward: Exp 30000

Training Order
Req: lvl 75, completed "The Videotape Recovery" from Image Expert
From: Special Agent

  • Talk to your respective Agent/Instructor in TH for more training

Reward: Synthesized Recovery Potion [10]

The Stolen Book
Req: lvl 76
From: Master Zheng

  • Get book (Online Game Manual) from Cripple Guy
  • Deliver book to Master Zheng

Reward: Enhanced Coat & Pants {B}[+2] (lvl 73-74)

The Police's Request
Req: lvl 78, completed "Training Order" from respective Instructor [TH]
From: Police [TH]

  • Find the Image Expert
  • Visit the Cleaner [TH] and ask for news about the lost children
  • Visit the Hotdog Hawker and ask for news about the lost children
  • Give prospectus to the Police [TH]
  • Get backup disk from your campus Student Director.
  • Eliminate 1 Loose Halogen.
  • Deliver recovered items to the Police [TH]

Reward: Exp 30000, Gold 15000, Skill Point 1

Investigate the Experimental Object
Req: lvl 78, auto start after completing "The Police's Request"
From: Police [TH]

  • Visit the Student Director [SG]
  • Talk to the Technical Teacher [SG] (near #4 Construction)
  • Talk to the Physics Teacher [SG] and ask about the experiments
  • Return to TH Police

Reward: Exp 10000, Stat Point 1

(*) Cleaning the Streets
Req: lvl 80
From: Cleaner [TH]

  • Collect 10 Trashes from Skating Boy, Skating Master and Got Milk
  • Talk to Cleaner [TH]

Reward: Exp 100, Gold 2000
Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the chat option "Ask for directions"

The Stolen Book 2
Req: lvl 83, completed "The Stolen Book 1"
From: Master Zheng

  • Get book (C++ for Games Developer) from Skating Master
  • Talk to Master Zheng

Reward: Dynamic Coat & Pants [D]+4 (lvl 76-77) 

(*) Collecting Empty Bottles
Req: lvl 85
From: Ice Cream Seller

  • Collect 10 Empty Bottles from Loose Halogen and Hodel
  • Talk to Ice Cream Seller

Reward: Cherry Ice Cream [4], Almond Ice Cream [4], Chocolate Ice Cream [4]

Finding the Warehouse Key
Req: lvl 86
From: Cleaner [TH]

  • Acquire Warehouse Key from Loose Halogen
  • Return Key to Cleaner

Reward: Able to enter Carpark [CP1 & CP2], Soul Recall Rosary [lvl:80], Jade Ring [lvl:80]
Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the chat option "Ask whether everything is alright" and then Accept request

Searching for the First Aid Kit
From: autoquest
Req: lvl 88

  • Proceed to Leonair Campus B1 loc 0,19
  • Elimate Head Nurse to obtain 10 Drugs Package {medicine kit}
  • Deliver the Drugs Package to the Nurse [Leo] at Leonair Campus 1F loc 6,3

Reward : Gold 50000
Notes: Entrance to B1 is at the central northenmost part of Leo 2F. Head to loc 1,19 if the first step does not complete.

The Stolen Book 3
Req: lvl 88, completed "The Stolen Book 2"
From: Master Zheng

  • Get book (Special Influence Games Programming) from Hodel
  • Deliver book (Game Architecture) to Master Zheng

Reward: Dynamic Coat & Pants [C][+3] (lvl 83,84)
Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the chat option "Ask about what happened" and then Accept request.

The Stolen Book 4
Req: lvl 92, completed "The Stolen Book 3"
From: Master Zheng

  • Recover book (Programming RPG for DirectX) from Freezing Clown
  • Deliver book to Master Zheng

Reward: Dynamic Coat & Pants {B}[+2] (lvl 90-91) {Dynamic Vagrant|Brawler|Archer|Shaman Coat & Pants {B}[+2]}
Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about what happened >Accept Request

Find the Dry Ice
Req: lvl 93
From: Autoquest

  • Retrieve the stolen dry ice from Security Guard in Refrigeration
  • Warehouse of Wharf {Bandit?}
  • Deliver dry ice to Icre Cream Seller (TH)

Reward: Exp 15000, Gold 20000, Upgraded Support Potion [30]

Returning the Trash
Req: lvl 95
From: Cleaner [TH]

  • Get Trash from Wrestler
  • Talk to Cleaner

Reward: LoHan Rosary [Lvl:80], Vanish Ring [Lvl:80]

Help for Freshman [MP|PH|SG]
From: Sujung (Campus 1F 25,9) | Tammy

  • Meet the Student Director
  • Deliver the application to Joon 1-2 (Campus 1F 4,9) | Brian
  • Deliver the application to Sujung 1-9 (Campus 1F 25,9) | Tammy

Reward: Experience: 700, Bread

Help for Freshman 2 [MP|PH|SG]
Req: completed "Help for Freshman"
From: Sujung (Campus 1F 25,9) | Tammy

  • Speak with Sujung | Tammy
  • Meet Shaman Instructor <>
  • Go to Resource Room
  • Deliver to Sujung | Tammy

Reward: Experience: 1400, Bread

Help for Freshman 3 [MP|PH|SG]
Req: completed "Help for Freshman"
From: Joon (Campus 1F 4,9) | Brian

  • Speak with Joon | Brian
  • Meet Brawler Instructor
  • Go to Resource Room
  • Deliver to Joon | Brian

Reward: Experience 2000, Bread

Confiscating the Golf Clubs
Req: 101, completed previous quest from Cleaner "Returning the Trash"
From: Cleaner [TH]

  • Collect 20 clubs from Golf Bomber
  • Talk to Cleaner

Reward: Soul Rosary [lvl:80][+2], Silver Ring [lvl:80]

Collection of Old Book
Req: lvl 103
From: autoquest or Mr.Zheng

  • Gather the old books from Wrestler
  • Gather the ancient books from Fiery Aunty [NOT Wrestler (typo)]
  • Meet Master Zheng

Reward: Exp 15000, Attribute 5

The Stolen Book 5
Req: lvl 106, completed "The Stolen Book 4"
From: Master Zheng

  • Get book (Windows Game Programming Tricks) from Golf Player
  • Talk to Master Zheng

Reward: Exp 10000, 11 Spiritual Spheres
Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about what happened >Accept Request

Gathering the Upgrade Tool 
Req: 106
From: Cleaner (TH)

  • Retrieve 10 bottles of oil from Fisherman
  • Deliver oil bottles to the cleaner

Reward: Exp 10000, Polishing Random Box

Withdrawal of Security Guard ID Card
Req: 106
From: Police (TH)

  • Collect 8 keys from Security Guard {Storage Guard/Bandit} [Wharf]
  • Deliver ID Cards to the Police [TH]

Reward: Exp 10000

Search for the Criminal
Req: lvl 110
From: autoquest

  • Retrieve the Ancient Books from Fisherman
  • Retrieve the Old Books from Gas Technician
  • Retrieve the Encyclopedia from Storage Guard
  • Return to Suspicious Folk [105,91]

Reward: Fine Burr, Luxury Protection Potion

Gathering Information Before the Incident
Req: lvl 111
From: autoquest

  • Find Time Capsule # 1 in 'holes' (Ninehall Club [TH])
  • Find Time Capsule # 2 in 'holes' (Ninehall Club [TH])
  • Find Time Capsule # 3 in 'holes' (Ninehall Club [TH])
  • Deliver to your respective class agent

Reward: Gold 30000

Finding the Truck's Key
Req: lvl 112
From: Truck Driver [Wharf]

  • Find the missing key from Loose Halogen and talk to Truck Driver

Reward: Exp 13000

Recycling the Gasoline
Req: lvl 112, previous quest from Truck Driver
From: Truck Driver [Wharf]

  • Get Oil Bottle from Fisherman and talk to Truck Driver

Reward: Exp 32000

Repairing the Truck
Req: lvl 112, previous quest from Truck Driver
From: Truck Driver [Wharf]

  • Find the Accessories @ Wharf #1 [46,112]
  • Look for lubricant oil @ 43,107
  • Look for parts @ 44,120
  • Deliver components to Truck Driver

Reward: Exp 37000

Visit the Old Man
Req: lvl 112, previous Truck Driver quests
From: Truck Driver

  • Talk to Suspicious Folk

Reward: Skill Points 3

Water Quality Check
Req: lvl 112, previous quest from Truck Driver "Visit the Old Man"
From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf]

  • Find bottle at loc 103,74 and talk to Folk

Reward: Exp 36000, Darkish Necklace [Lv:120][+2]

Repairing the Generator
Req: lvl 112, previous quest from Suspicious Folk
From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf]

  • Go to ship @ wharf 2 [56,85]
  • Go to ship @ wharf 2 [49,86]
  • Go to ship @ wharf 2 [65,86]
  • Replace Water Bottle and go to loc 103,74
  • Talk to Suspicious Folk

Reward: Exp 40000, Bone Rosary [Lvl:120][+2]

The Guard's Request
Req: lvl 115
From: Saint Private Guard [Wharf]

  • Collect 8 batons from SGD [SG Hole] and return to Saint Private Guard [Wharf]

Reward: NPC {B}[+4] set (Lvl 111-114) 
Notes: You can use the bus stop @ Wharf near the Folk (#1 Freezing Warehouse) and drop off @ Sacred Gate T-Junction [SG Hole].

Resident's Request
Req: lvl 116, previous quests from Cleaner [TH] "Confiscating the Golf Clubs"
From: Cleaner [TH]

  • Eliminate 20 Hunk Baldies

Reward: 12 Spiritual Spheres, Exp 20000

Confiscation of Smuggled Goods
Req: lvl 117
From: Police [Wharf]

  • Finding the Smuggled Goods; Go to ship @ Wharf No. 4 loc 71,20
  • Returning the Smuggled Goods; Talk to Police @ Wharf [96,37]

Reward: Gold 25000
Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat options: >Ask about what matter >Next page >Accept Request

Catching Smugglers
Req: lvl 117, previous quest from Police [Wharf]
From: Police [Wharf]

  • Eliminate 1 Violent Baldie

Reward: Gold 35000

Investigating the Building
Req: lvl 117, previous quests from Police [Wharf]
From: Police [Wharf]

  • Search for evidence @ loc 88,26, go to loc 90,40 and return to Police

Reward: Lohan Rosary [Lvl:120]

Investigate the Green's Secret Headquarters

Req: lvl 117, previous quest from Police [Wharf]

From: Police [Wharf]

  • Get Identification Program from Police [TH] and activate the Authentication
  • Terminal at HO entrance [Wharf]

Reward: Able to enter HO_1F
Notes: You can use the bus stop @ Wharf near the Folk (#1 Freezing Warehouse) and drop off @ Police Station [TH] and vice versa to finish this quicker.

To Achieve Mission Level 120
Req: lvl 119
From: autoquest

  • Achieve level 120 and eliminate 5 Violent Baldies and 1 Bandit [Wharf].
  • Report to the Police [Wharf]

Reward: Exp 30000

The "Green" Secret Foothold
Req: lvl 120
From: Police [Wharf]

  • Get 5 keys from Mobsters in HO_1F (Ice Tyrant, Violent Baldie, Violent Girl).
  • Talk to Warehouse Keeper [Wharf] and return to the Police

Reward: Jade Ring [Lvl:120], Can enter HO_2F.

Searching for the Evidence
Req: lvl 125
From: autoquest

  • Search for 1st evidence information @ HO 1F_Ch1 loc 7,17
  • Search for 2nd evidence info @ HO 1F_Ch1 loc 13,17
  • Search for 3rd evidence info @ HO 1F_Ch1 loc 11,14
  • Deliver evidence to Police [Wharf] loc 95,37

Reward: Exp 35000, Fine Burr
Notes: Make sure you are in HO 1F_Ch1 when you do this quest.

The 2nd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold
Req: lvl 125, previous quests from Police
From: Police [Wharf]

  • Get 5 keys from Death Reaper, Violent Baldie, Violent Girl and Ninja(M) @ HO_2F
  • Talk to Warehouse keeper to repair the keys
  • Talk to Police to identify the keys

Reward: Silver Ring [Lvl:120][+3], Can enter HO_3F
Notes: You don't have to kill all the mobs in the list. You can pick the easiest mob to kill to get the 5 keys.

The Videotape of Green Secret Headquarters
Req: lvl 125, previous quests from Suspicious Folk
From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf]

  • Get Surveillance Video from Bunny Girls, Ninja[F], Steel Heads @ 3F of Green Secret Base [HangOut 3F]
  • Pass Cassette to Suspicious Folk

Reward: Exp 80000
Note: This quest is triggered in advance @112 after "Repairing the Generator"

The Videotape Recovery
Req: lvl 125, previous quests from Suspicious Folk [Wharf]
"The Videotape of Green Secret Headquarters"
From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf]

  • Find Image Expert [TH]
  • Go to ship @ Wharf 3 loc 50,56 [Search for recovery oil]
  • Go to ship @ Wharf 3 loc 49,58
  • Go to ship @ Wharf 3 loc 59,58
  • Talk to Image Expert [TH] and pass materials
  • Talk to Suspicious Folk and pass the recovered cassette

Reward: Exp 65000, Skill Points 3
Notes: Use Bus to Wharf Passage>Freezing Warehouse and Trading Hole>Police Station.

Finding the Scriptural
Reqs: lvl 126, completed "Visit the Old Man" from Truck Driver

From: Suspicious Folk [Wharf]

  • Elminate Fisherman to get books
  • Pass books to Folk

Reward: 13 Spiritual Spheres
Notes: Disable "Texture Font" in the launcher options to be able to
view/complete the quest. However, @ 127 you can view the text even
without disabling the texture font.

Sacred Financial Group Private Jail
Req: 130, completed "File Report On Found Objects" from Prison Corpse [TH Tunnel 3]
From: Police [TH]

  • Confirm the Ore at jail mine. Proceed to Sacred Financial Group Private Jail
    loc 79,77
  • Surrender Ore to TH Police Station

Reward: Basic Upgrade Set [1 protection potion, 1 burr]
Notes: This quest is triggered in advance @~75 by asking about the ore.

Rescue Police Companion
Req: lvl 130, completed quest to enter prison
"Sacred Financial Group Private Jail"
From: Jail Warden [Prison]

  • Rescue the Police trapped at central tower

Reward: Exp 18000
Notes: Use the map to locate the central tower and move to the area. Unequip your
weapon to avoid being shot by weapon aggressives (Black Ninja & Parak)

Unlock Security Device
Req: lvl 130, completed previous quest "Rescue Police Companion"
From: Jail Warden [Prison]

  • Look for keys [1] from Red Thief, Black Thief {Red or Black Ninja} & Machinary Thief {Corrupted Parak}
  • Look for CD [1] from Red Thief, Black Thief {Red or Black Ninja} & Machinary
  • Thief {Corrupted Parak}
  • Pass items to Jail Warden

Reward: Soul Rosary [Lvl:120]
Notes: Can now TRADE ITEMS with Jail Warden

Request of the Police
Req: lvl 130, completed "Rescue Police Companion"
From: Police [TH]

  • Find suspect from within the Jail named “Soul (Middle Hole)”

Reward: Ring box, Grinds box
Notes: Use the map to locate the NPC "Soul (Middle Hole)" in the Prison

Report Status of Jail
Req: lvl 130, completed previous quest
From: Jail Warden [Prison]

  • Inform TH Police about situation

Reward: C lvl Steel coat & skirt/pants

Report Violent Criminals
Req: lvl 130, completed previous quest "Rescue Police Companion"
From: Police [TH]

  • Eliminate 12 Angry Supervisors/Lards {Panday Taba}
  • Report to TH Police

Reward: none

Investigate the Jail
Req: lvl 130, completed "Report Status of Jail"
From: Police [TH]

  • Look for Jail Warden
  • Check central tower 58,82
  • Check Underground Operation Center Entrance 61,106
  • Report to Jail Warden

Reward: Exp 18000, Red Bead [2]

Prepare the Final Report
Req: lvl 130, completed "Investigate the Jail"
From: Jail Warden [Prison]

  • Investigate A Center near control Tower
  • Investigate B Center near control Tower 46,96
  • Investigate C Center near control Tower 70,98
  • Investigate D Center near control Tower 70,71
  • Tell Jail Warden the outcome of the investigation
  • Submit Final Report to the TH Police

Reward: Exp 24000

Obtain List of Prisoners
Req: lvl 130, completed "Report Violent Criminals"
From: Police [TH]

  • Collect 7 info scraps from Prisoner-HammerMan {Big Boy Maso}, Prisoner-RockMan, {Totoy Bato} & Prisoner Ringgy {Ringgy}
  • Convey findings to TH Police

Reward: Exp 18000

Report on Prison Escapees
Req: lvl 130, completed "Obtain List of Prisoners"
From: Police [TH]

  • Eliminate 12 Prisoner-HammerMan {Big Boy Maso}
  • Report outcome to TH Police

Reward: Exp 24000, Attribute 2
Notes: "Weapon Shop Owner" quest for lvl 140 is auto-triggered after this quest

The 3rd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold
Req: lvl 132, finished prior Wharf Police/HO/Folk quests
"The 2nd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold"
From: Police [Wharf]

  • Collect 7 pieces of letter fragments from Ninja(M), SteelHead, Saint Gambler and Bunny Girl
  • Talk to Police [Wharf]

Reward: Gold 40000, Aruhagen Ring [Lvl:120][+4]

Returning the Evidence
Req: lvl 132, finished quest "The 3rd Floor of the "Green" Secret Foothold"
From: Police [Wharf]

  • Deliver letter to Police [TH]
  • Talk to AngBeeLan 129,139 [TH]

Reward: Exp 80000

The First Test
Req: lvl 132, finished all Wharf Police quests "Returning the Evidence"
From: AngBeeLan [TH]

  • Search 3 types of Dog Saliva (Cordy, Freezing Halogen, Werewolf) and
    Shadow Crow's feather.
  • Report to AngBeeLan within 30 minutes

Reward: Skill Points 2, 1 stat point
Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within
the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test]

The Second Test
Req: lvl 132, completed AngBeeLan's "The First Test"
From: AngBeeLan [TH]

  • Collect 10 pills from Freezing Clowns
  • Report to AngBeeLan within 15 minutes

Reward: Exp 50000, Skill Points 2
Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within
the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test]

The Final Test
Req: lvl 132, completed AngBeeLan's Second Test
From: AngBeeLan [TH]

  • Eliminate 15 Hunk Baldies
  • Report to AngBeeLan within 10 minutes (she says 8 haha)

Reward: Exp 90000, Spatial Rosary [Lvl:120][+7]
Notes: Requirement:Immortal [Complete the requirements/objectives within

the stated time limit and Do Not Die during the test]

Reward for Prison Escapees
Req: lvl 140 [requirement to enter Middle Hole]
From: Police [TH]

  • Eliminate RocknRoll {Jeproks} in Middle Hole

Reward: Exp 19000, Attribute 2
Note: This quest is acquired in advance (from level 67)

Weapon Shop Owner
Req: lvl 140, auto trigerred after completing "Report on Prison Escapees" (lvl 130)
From: Police [TH]

  • Look for Weapon Shop Owner in Middle Hole

Reward: Exp 12000

Retrieve Scammed Weapons
Req: lvl 140, completed "Weapon Shop Owner" from TH Police
From: Weapon Shop Owner [MH]

  • Retrieve 10 pieces of weapons [M16] from Machinary Thief {Corrupted Parak}

Reward: Exp 26000, Gold 40000

Look for the Backpack Key
Req: lvl 140, able to enter MH
From: Nurse [MH]

  • Retrieve key from Cold Wolf {Nyebeng Lobo}
  • Pass the key to the Nurse @ MH

Reward: Space Ring [Lvl:120][+6]

Look for Friends
Req: lvl 140, completed "Retrieve Scammed Weapons" from Weapon Shop Owner
From: Weapon Shop Owner [MH]

  • Find WSO's friend at MH loc 100,25
  • Find WSO's friend at MH loc 97,20
  • Find WSO's friend at MH loc 85,20
  • Find WSO's friend at MH loc 84,26
  • Pass news of whereabouts obtained to WSO

Reward: C lvl Steel Gloves [+5]

Check if the Weapon Shop Owner's Friend is Hurt
Req: lvl 140, completed "Look for Friends" from WSO
From: Weapon Shop Owner [MH]

  • Check vicinity of scene of incident @ 91,29
  • Search vicinity of scene of incident @ 93,31
  • Report to TH Police Station and report of Middle Hole situation

Reward: Bone Rosary [Lvl:120][+4]

Collect Back Confidential Documents
Req: lvl 140, completed "Check if the Weapon Shop Owner's Friend is Hurt"
From: Police [TH]

  • Get back Confidential Documents from the Lard {Panday Taba}
  • Submit to TH Police

Reward: Azrael Rosary [Lvl:120][+4]

Confirm Security of Middle Hole
Req: lvl 140, completed previous quest "Weapon Shop Owner" from TH Police
From: Police [TH]

  • Examine scene of accident 92,30
  • Conduct search at 92,40
  • Conduct search at 91,62
  • Let the TH Police know the results of investigation

Reward: Red Bead [5], Grinds Box

Investigate on the Case
Req: lvl 140, completed previous quest "Confirm Security of Middle Hole"
From: Police [TH]

  • Retrieve 6 spare parts from the vicinity of the blazing fires -
  • Eliminate "Fire"s to get the spare parts
  • Go to TH Police

Reward: Synthesizer Upgrade Set
Notes: Location of some cars with "Fire"s - 92,30; 89,35; 95,38

Repair Walkie Talkies
Req: lvl 140, completed "Collect Back Confidential Documents" from TH Police
From: Police [TH]

  • Find Image Expert and ask to repair Walkie Talkie
  • Find necessary spare parts @ TH 98,159
  • Find Image Expert and ask to repair Walkie Talkie

Reward: Exp 12000

Fixed Walkie Talkies
Req: lvl 140, completed "Repair Walkie Talkies" from TH Police
From: Image Expert [TH]

  • Go to TH Police

Reward: Exp 6000

Issue of Security Improvement
Req: lvl 141
From: autoquest

  • Go to the prison and to the third gate
  • Meet with weapon expert

Reward: Gold 20000, Attribute 5, Upgraded Support Potion

Reward for Prison Escapees
Req: lvl 144
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 1 Riot Police - Machinary (sic) Thief {Corrupted Parak}

Reward: Exp 16000, Attribute 2

Collecting the Items
Req: lvl 144
From: Jail Warden

  • Collect Soul Spiritual Sphere from Panday Taba
  • Collect green bead from Black Ninja
  • Collect green crystal from Corrupted Parak
  • Deliver the items to Jail Warden

Reward: Exp 34000, Skill Point 5, 14 Spiritual Spheres

Look for the Missing Persons
Req: lvl 147
From: autoquest

  • Look for Clues of the Missing Child at MH (103,102)
  • Look for more Clues of the Missing Child at MH (102,108)
  • Report Status to the Trading Hole Police Station

Reward: Exp 17000, Attribute 2

Look for the Suspect
Req: lvl 147
From: Jail Warden

  • Look for clues
  • Look for clues again
  • Look for more clues again
  • Look for the suspect
  • Arrest Prison Supervisor {Preso de Mayor}

Reward: Exp 34000, Stat Point 1

Identify the Letter Pad
Req: lvl 148
From: Jail Warden

  • Find the other 6 parts of the Letter from Prisoner Hammerman {Big Boy Maso} and Prisoner Rockman {Totoy Bato}
  • Show the 6 Pieces to the Jail Warden
  • Pass the Letter to the Trading Hole Police Station

Reward: Skill Points 2

Investigation of the Dead Police
Req: lvl 151
From: autoquest

  • Retrieve the security monitor video tape from Prisoner_Big {Ringgy}
  • Deliver tape to Police [TH]

Reward: Gold 50000, Back Point Pass [3]

Reward for Prison Escapees
Req: lvl 156
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 1 HipHop Girl

Reward: Exp 20000, Attribute 2

Collect a Bead II
Req: lvl 157
From: Weapon Shop Owner [Middle Hole]

  • Collect Soul Spiritual Sphere from Panday Taba
  • Collect Green Crystal from Cross Fatty
  • Give these beads to the Weapon Shop Owner

Reward: 15 Spiritual Spheres

Collect Back Fake Certificate
Req: lvl 158
From: autoquest

  • Collect 10 fake certificates from the Verdugo and Sword Assassin

Reward: Exp 20000, Attribute 2

Collect Back Counterfeit Money
Req: Lvl 160
From: autoquest

  • Collect 10 counterfeit money from Verdugo and Sword Assassins

Reward: Exp 42000, Attribute 2

Reward for Prison Escapees
Req: lvl 161
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 1 Hiphop Girl (Spice Girl - typo, not HipHop Girl)

Reward: Exp 22000, Attribute 2

Deliver the News
Req: lvl 162
From: autoquest

  • Look for the Student Director

Reward: Exp 16000

Deliver Important Message
Req: lvl 162, finished "Deliver the News"
From: autoquest

  • Deliver the Message to the Trading Hole Police Station

Reward: Exp 10000, Can enter Root Hole [RH]

Enter Root Hole

Req: lvl 162, finished "Deliver Important Message"
From: autoquest

  • Look for the Root Hole Police

Reward: Exp 10000

Access Root Hole
Req: lvl 162, finished "Enter Root Hole"
From: Police [RH] {Root Hole}

  • Verify the Streets of Root Hole at (84,2Cool
  • Verify the Streets of Root Hole at (93,3Cool
  • Verify the Streets of Root Hole at (92,54)
  • Look for the Root Hole Police

Reward: Exp 22000, Soul Ring [Lvl:120][+6]

Mysterious Sacred Financial Group
Req: 162
From: Old Man [RH]

  • Talk to Special Agent [SG - Leo Entrance]

Reward: Exp 60000, Gold 20000

Community Service of Saint Financial Group
Req: 162, completed "Mysterious Sacred Financial Group"
From: Special Agent [SG - Leo Entrance]

  • Meet Construction Supervisor at Sacred Gate [SG Hole]
  • Find 10 Golf Clubs(Rods) from Golf Bomber [North Trading Hole]
  • Meet the Special Agent

Reward: Exp 60000, Emergency Locker Link Card [3]

Behind the truth of Saint Financial Group
Req: 162, finished previous quest
From: Special Agent [SG - Leo Entrance]

  • Meet Physics Teacher [SG Ring]
  • Meet Nurse at Bridge [SG Ring]
  • Meet Banshee of Leonair Campus
  • Meet Student Director of Leonair Campus
  • Meet Weapon Expert in Middle Hole

Reward: Exp 90000, Attribute 5, Grinds Box

Mysterious Melody
Req: finished previous quest
From: Weapon Expert [Middle Hole]

  • Find out about Head Office from the Old Man [RH]
  • Meet the Old Man [Suspicious Folk] at Wharf Passage
  • Retrieve the code from Trump Master {Bunny Girl or Violent Girl}
  • Meet the Old Man [Suspicious Folk] at Wharf Passage
  • Meet the Image Expert [TH]
  • Meet the Old Man in front of Head Office [RH]

Reward: Gold 50000, Attribute 5, Upgraded Support Potion [30]

Collect Back Counterfeit Money
Req: lvl 163
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 10 Long Necked Demonic Puppet {Nightmare Clown}
  • Meet Police in Root Hole

Reward: Exp 46000, Attribute 3

Withdrawal of fireworks
Req: lvl 163
From: autoquest

  • Retrieve 30 fireworks from Crown Foky/Clown Pokys in Root Hole {Nightmare Clown}
  • Meet Police in RH

Reward: Exp 20000

Advance Physics Teacher's Test (Examination Test)
Req: lvl 165
From: autoquest , College Representative [MarketPlace]

  • Look for the Physics Teacher [Own School Hole]
  • Eliminate Ice Tyrant [HO_1F]
  • Obtain Verification Report from the Physics Teacher [Own School Hole]

Reward: Exp 30000, Stat Point 2

Collecting Sphere III
From: Police [RH]

  • Obtain the sphere from Bakulaw
  • Pass to Root Hole Police

Reward: 16 Spiritual Spheres

Reward for Prison Escapees
Req: lvl 167
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 1 Poisonous Demon Inducer {Poison Ninja}

Reward: Exp 25000, Attribute 3

Reward for Prison Escapees
Req: lvl 169
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 1 Light Demon Inducer {Light Inducer}

Reward: Exp 26000, Attribute 3

Action on Spell Defensive Mechanism
Req: lvl 170
From: autoquest

  • Retrieve skill document from poison elemental sorcerer (Poison Ninja)
  • Retrieve skill document from light elemental sorcerer (Light Inducer)
  • Retrieve skill document from fire elemental sorcerer (Fire Ninja)
  • Retrieve skill document from ice elemental sorcerer (Ice Inducer)
  • Transmit the documents (Any bus stop)

Reward: Attribute 5, Red Bead [5]

Reward for Prison Escape (Escapees)
Req: lvl 173
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 1 Bouncing King Boxer {Haring Braso}

Reward: Exp 27000, Attribute 3

Finding Research Document
Req: lvl 167
From: Monisha (Suna Jo) [Market] loc 30,40

  • Please get back the Research Document from Spice Girl.
  • Please give it to Monisha (Suna Jo) {Pass the research information}

Reward: Mesil Sphere
Notes: Mesil Sphere can then be exchanged with Monisha (Suna Jo) for the new Transformation Skill Scroll.
Trigger: Listen Conversation > Agree 
To Exchange w/ Monisha (Suna Jo): Exchange Mesil Sphere > Accept "Aegis of {Haste (Brawler)|Precision (Swordie)|Agility (Archer)|Blessing (Shaman)}" Scroll

Reward for Prison Escapees
Req: lvl 173
From: autoquest

  • Eliminate 1 (bouncing king boxer) {Haring Braso}

Reward: Exp 27000, Attribute 3

Collect Back Bullet Pellets
Req: lvl 176
From: autoquest

  • Obtain 12 Spiritual Spheres from Pretty Veyah
  • Deliver the spheres to the Trading Hole Police Station

Reward: Red Bead [7]

Obtain Weather Info
Req: lvl 177
From: autoquest

  • Go to coordinates 100,111 [RH]
  • Go to coordinates 100,131 [RH]
  • Go to coordinates 69,127 [RH]
  • Talk to RH Police [typo, pass info to Root Hole Police not TH Police]

Reward: Vanish Ring [Lvl:120][+4] HP:+25 poison resistance:[+5]

Verify Sacred Financial Group HQ Building
Req: lvl 177, completed "Obtain Weather Info"
From: autoquest, completed “Obtain Weather Info”

  • Look for the Sacred Financial Group HQ at Root Hole (85,147)

Reward: Exp 29000

Convince [Mystic Peak | Phoenix | Sacred Gate] Student Director
Req: lvl 180
From: Old Man [RH]

  • Look for [MP/SG/PH] Student Director

Reward: Exp 20000

Verify Ang Bee Lan
Req: lvl 180, completed "Convince [MP | SG | PH] Student Director"
From: autoquest, completed previous quest

  • Find AngBeeLan in TH
  • Eliminate 1 Death Reaper (boss @ HangOut Second Floor [HO_2F])
  • Look for AngBeeLan in TH

Reward: Exp 45000

Confirm with the Old Man
Req: lvl 180, completed "Verify Ang Bee Lan"
From: autoquest, completed previous quest

  • Find the Old Man at the Root Hole

Reward: Exp 35000

Seek for the Seal
Req: lvl 190
From: autoquest

  • Proceed to mysterious student - approach Chu Yin Xi [MarketPlace 26,33]

Reward: Added character card (non-drop, non-trade, limited to inventory)

Memory of the Document

Req: lvl 190, completed "Entrance of Saint Financial Group Head Office"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Find the Student Seung Hee Ji in 1F (23,32)

Reward: Gold 20000, Attribute 5, Soul Retriever Ball [3], Grinds Box

Recovery of Document
Req: lvl 190, completed previous quest, "Memory of the Document"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Find the missing pieces of first document @ Head.B 1F (31,31)
  • Verify document at Information Terminal [Head.B 1F 14,10]

Reward: Exp 50000, Basic Upgrade Set

Find the Password
Req: lvl 190, completed "Entrance of Saint Financial Group Head Office"
From: Terminal (1F) [Head.B 1F 41,21]

  • Collect clues: oooooo @ HeadB.1F (32,12)
  • oDoooo @ 28,12
  • oDooEo @ 18,12
  • oDOoEo @ 14,30
  • ADOoEo @ 27,30
  • ADOoES @ 32,30
  • Enter the Password at Terminal(1F) in front of 30F entrance gate

Reward: Gold 100000, Can Enter Head.B 30F
Notes: Just move around the map, starting from the bottom right corner, going to the left corner, upper left and then to the top right.

To Head Office 50F
Req: lvl 190, completed "Find the Password"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Collect clues: oooooo @ HeadB.30F Administration Office 2 (28/9?)
  • Booooo @ Chemistry Laboratory A (22/9?)
  • BooAoo @ small square grey lobby along the bottom row (17/10?)
  • BooANo @ Microbe Laboratory (12/10?)
  • BooANN @ Research Library 3 (6/8?)
  • BoRANN @ Research Library 4 (7/27?)
  • BIRANN,oo @ Biology and Chemical Laboratory (13/27?)
  • BIRAN,Bo @ small square grey lobby along the top row (16/28), next "room" to
  • Biology and Chemical Laboratory
  • Enter the password at Terminal(30F) (30,20)

Reward: Exp 60000, Gold 100000
Note: Can Enter Head.B 50F. Just move around the map, starting from the bottom right corner, going to the left corner, upper left and then to the top right.

Second Document Recovery
Req: lvl 190, completed "Recovery of Document"
From: Record Read Terminal (Information Terminal 14,10)

  • Find the 6 missing pieces of second document {Kill Head.B 30F Cannonor Black Cannon - lower chance?}
  • Activate the Information Terminal (Head.B 1F)

Reward: Exp 40000, Attribute 5

Third Document Recovery
Req: lvl 190, completed "Second Document Recovery"
From: Information Terminal (Head.B 1F)

  • Find the 6 missing pieces of third document {Kill Head.B 50,51,52F Black/Red? Rose}
  • Activate the Information Terminal (Head.B 1F)

Reward: Exp 60000, Attribute 5

To Head Office 90F
Req: lvl 190, completed "To Head Office 50F"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Collect clues: ooooooo @ 50F Security 1 (28/10?)
  • oAooooo @ DNA Laboratory (23/10?)
  • oARoooo @ small square grey lobby along the bottom row (16/11?)
  • oARoooU @ Biology Experiment Laboratory (14/12?)
  • oARAooU @ Library Administration Room (6/12?)
  • CARAooU @ Facility Administration Room (5/25?)
  • CARAoDU @ Laboratory Administration Room (13/23?)
  • CARANDU,o @ small square grey lobby along the top row (17/28?)
  • Enter the password at Terminal(50F) (34,20)

Reward: Gold 100000, Can Enter Head.B 90F
Note: Just move around the map, starting from the bottom right corner, going to the left corner, upper left and then to the top right.

Fourth Document Recovery
Req: lvl 190, completed "Third Document Recovery"
From: Information Terminal (Head.B 1F)

  • Find the 6 missing pieces of third document {Kill Head.B 90F Spin Edge/Spin Blade}
  • Activate the Information Terminal (Head.B 1F)

Reward: Exp 70000, Attribute 5

Passing over 90F

Req: lvl 190
From: Hong Ji Yoon [Head.B 90F]

  • Find a broken window (Head.B 90F 22,29, facing a "cracked" window)

Reward: Gold 30000
Notes: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat option: >Listen the story >Ask how to go toilet
The gate to Head.B Left Wall is @ Head.B 90 F 22,29 (upper right section "Electricity/Power Control Office").

Where the time stops 1
Req: lvl 190, completed "Passing over 90F"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Find the way to go to Toilet (Proceed to Head.B Left Wall 33,51)

Reward: Gold 30000
Note: The gate to Head.B Left Wall is @ Head.B 90 F 22,29. 
Finishing the quest requires you to exit to the Director Room at the other end of the map (or have passed the end of Left Wall). You would not be able to return to the Left Wall (and revisit Time Cutter) once this quest is complete.

Investigation of Director Room
Req: lvl 190, completed "Where the time stops 1"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Find information that can be clue (Director Room 20,22)

Reward: Exp 50000

Laboratory in Underground
Req: lvl 190, completed "Investigation of Director Room"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Go to 1F (enter Gate going to Head.B 1F from Director Room Map 20,22)
  • Find the entrance of Underground Laboratory (Head.B 1F 18,21)
  • Find the Password from copy spirit in 30F, 50F and 90F (Kill mobs at any floor)
  • Enter the password at Underground Terminal of Security Area (Head.B 1F 14,21)

Reward: Exp 50000, Gold 100000, Attribute 5

Investigation of Underground
Req: lvl 190, completed "Laboratory in Underground"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Find a trace by entering Head.B U-ground. Talk to Ji Il Chung (65,80)

Reward: Exp 10000, Attributes 5

Find Laboratory

Req: lvl 190, completed "Investigation of Underground"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Investigation of Information from Slicer in Underground
  • Confirm information to Ji Il Chung loc 65,80 [Head.B U-ground]

Reward: Exp 36000, Red Bead [2]

Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine
Req: lvl 190, completed "Find Laboratory"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Search 7 missing parts of eight signs of divine from Head.B U-ground
  • mobs: Animal Trainer, Multilock, Poison Multilock, Poison Slicer, Twin head fire
  • dog, 3-headed dog etc.
  • Check the parts with Ji Il Chung (65,80)
  • Find the user manual by talking to So Sung Il near the “Heart”

Reward: Exp 80000, Attributes 5

Secret of Freshmen
Req: lvl 190, completed "Assemble of the Eight Signs of Divine"
From: So Sung Il [Head.B U-ground]

  • Find the information of Saint List (kill any Head.B U-Ground mobs)
  • Meet Student Director {respective 1F Campus}
  • Meet Instructor {respective Instructor in 1F Campus}
  • Meet the Agent {respective Agent/instructor in TH}

Reward: Exp 60000, Back Point Pass [10]

Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine
Req: lvl 190, completed "Secret of Freshmen
From: autoquest, Agent of Trading Hole

  • Meet Image Expert [TH]
  • Find the mineral in prison; Retrieve from Prisoner_Big {Ringgy}
  • Meet the Old Man in front of Head Office [RH]
  • Go to Director Room {located at Head.B RightWall 33,51}

Reward: Exp 70000, Gold 50000, Red Bead [5]

Where the Time Stops 2
Req: lvl 190, completed “Completion of the Eight Signs of Divine”

From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Find a broken window {Head.B 90F 22,29}
  • Find another passage (Head.B RightWall at Head.B 90F 22,8}
  • Go to Director Room {gate at Head.B RightWall 33,51}

Reward: Can Enter Director Room, Gold 50000
Note: You would not be able to return to the Right Wall (and revisit Eraser) once this quest is completed

Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine
Req: lvl 190, completed "Where the Time Stops 2"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Find the laboratory of Director {enter Director Room from Head.B RightWall 33,51 or at HeadB.1F}
  • Preparation of the eight signs of divine; Eliminate 10 Powered Mono Eye at Director Room)
  • Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine; Go to Director Room 36,22

Reward: Can Enter Another World South, Exp 70000, Gold 150000

To Another World
Req: lvl 190, completed "Activation of the Eight Signs of Divine"
From: autoquest; auto start after completing previous quest

  • Toward Another World (enter Another W South from Director Room)
  • Investigation of Another World (go to Another W Center 22/25?)
  • Conversation with Director (talk to Director NPC)

Reward: Synthesizer Upgrade Set, Ring Box

Truth of Director and Ending
Req: lvl 190, completed "To Another World"
From: Director

  • Find the copy spirit of Director {go to Another W North 33/29?}
  • Speak with Director

Reward: Exp 15000, Emergency link Locker Card [10]

Favor of Seung Hee Yeon
Req: lvl 190,
From: Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15)

  • Meet Seung Hee Ji (NPC @ Head.B 1F 22,32)
  • Meet Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15)

Reward: Exp 40000
Note: To trigger the quest, click on the following chat option: >Ask about Seung Hee Ji >Accept

Investigation of Artificial Heart Power Generator
Req: lvl 190, completed "Favor of Seung Hee Yeon"
From: Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15)

  • Check the front side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 18,48)
  • Check the right side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 14,50)
  • Check the back side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 7,48)
  • Check the left side of Artificial Heart (Head.B U-ground 13,45)
  • Speak with Seung Hee Yoon (NPC @ Head.B U-ground 66,15)

Reward: Soul Retriever Ball [3]

Test ability to execute
Req: lvl 191
From: autoquest

  • Overthrow 8 Light Demon Inducers {Light Inducer}

Reward: Stat Point 6

Make Special Ring
Req: lvl 193
From: autoquest

  • Gather Broken Bottle from Cement Weirdo {Bakulaw}
  • Gather Red Rosary from Light Demon Inducer {Light Inducer}
  • Gather Blood Dagger from Fire Demon Inducer {Fire Ninja}
  • Pass materials to the Old Man

Reward: lvl 193 Janaohu Ganil {Ring} - atk: 5~5, def: 5, acc: 5, eva: 2, res: 5, pow, vit, int, dex: +5

Test Ability to Execute II
Req: lvl 195
From: autoquest

  • Overthrow 8 Fire Demon Inducer {Fire Ninja}

Reward: Stat Point 9

The Ring will be upgraded one step further
Req: 197
From: Old Man [RH]

  • Talk to Old Man
  • Click on “The Ring will be upgraded one step further”
  • Click on “Agree”
  • The 193 Janaohu Ganil ring will be replaced by the lvl 197 Iron Fist Ganil ring.

Reward: lvl 197 Iron Fist Ganil Ring - atk: 10~10, def: 7, acc: 7, eva: 7, lvl:197, res: 5, pow, vit, int, dex: +10

Use of Special Ring
Req: lvl 197, completed "The Ring will be upgraded one step further";
From: autoquest
with Iron Fist Ganil ring in inventory

  • From: Old Man [RH]
  • Exchange the Janaohu Ganil ring with the Iron Fist Ganil lvl 197 ring.
  • Overthrow 3 Bouncing King Boxer {Haring Braso}

Reward: Exp +5% @ lvl 197 (134,756,765) [+4% @ lvl 198]

Test ability to execute III
Req: lvl 199
From: Old Man [RH]

  • Overthrow 8 Frozen Demons (Ice Inducer)

Reward: Stat Point 12

The Ring will be upgraded one step further?
Req: 200, completed all Head.B quests?
From: Old Man [RH]

  • Talk to Old Man
  • Click on "The Ring will be upgraded one step further"?
  • Click on "Agree"?
  • The 197 Iron Fist Ganil ring will be replaced by the lvl 200 Black Knife Ganil ring.

Reward: lvl 200 Black Knife Ganil ring - atk: 20~20, def: 10, acc: 10, eva: 10, lvl:200, res: 10, pow, vit, int, dex: +20